Evistoria Games

On July 19th 2017, marks a year since me and Charalambos met with Elektra to join forces for the game. We spent hours talking at a local coffee shop about Yenefan and we were so excited that she said “YES”.

Can’t believe it’s been already a year. We already have the two of the four characters ready – Larvi and Taslar. We are so happy with them! We hope you will like them too.

Now our team consists of amazingly talented people: Charalambos, Elektra, Danny, Avgoustinos, Elpida, Lefkos, Andreas (our web designers) and another Andreas (our talented composer)! Since we grew we hope that we will be able to bring more material to you, and perhaps a more clear date – and year – of the game’s release.

So happy anniversary!

-Chris, Flooring Inspector


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